Mango Season

Usually, life is hard here on the island, but we just hit mango season and everyday someone gives us free mangos. I just don’t know what I’m going to do when I come back home and can’t eat three to four mangos a day.

General Conference talked a lot about repentance and my companion is already apply these teachings to the zone and I love the way he handles situations. When some missionaries complain about a situation or something doesn't go their way, he always asks "Well, what are you going to do differently?" It’s just nice to remember that we are not perfect and that whatever happens, no matter how many times we may have fallen, we can always choose to pick ourselves back up again and keep growing. Because honestly, that's why we're here. 

It was nice listening to the spirit this week and we had a random impression to visit a specific house. We went over and found someone that needed to hear our message in that moment. This man is now preparing for baptism. Yay.

This week I got to try a traditional medicine that a healer made. It was just boiled roots and plants, but supposedly it helps give you muscle. So... watch out for pics next week, I'm going to double my size.

I have loved the new school theme they have here. "We either study, or we pick up our machetes and go to the monte." Either way, you're working hard.
Not a lot of fresh water on the island, so even the animals drink soda :-)