Doubt Not, Fear Not

Well, another week has gone by and as always, my desk started off clean. By the end of the week slowly but surely it gets buried under piles of notes, old water bottles, and with at least three different books opened.  Mondays are always nice, because I know I get time to clean up and actually see my desk. 

I also finally got my picture with President Uchtdorf. We have a guy in our ward who looks like a general authority in our church. Every time anyone has a question about what a scripture reference is or what time an appointment is they always just say, "Oh just ask Uchtdorf."

We had a reunion meeting for all the new people and I got to see my old district from the MTC this week. That was so cool! They have all lost weight, but they’re all great. It was so nice to talk to them.

I was recently having feelings that I was not sufficient in my Spanish. That I couldn’t do and teach everything that I needed to teach. Questioning how could I be a missionary if I can’t even talk to people in Spanish let alone teach them about the gospel. However, this week we taught a family with a deaf son. He is seven and communicates with grunts, squeals, and sporadic hand gestures. He had found baby turtles that were passing by his house and so he caught them and made a home for them in a bucket. As you can imagine, he was so excited when we stopped by his house. Two new people with whom he could share his newfound joy. He taught us what made them scared. He showed us what they like to eat. He taught us where they like to pass by his house. Each thing he taught us through determination, simple hand gestures and squeals would give him so much joy he could not help but laugh. Let me tell you his laugh just made you smile. It was just a laugh of pure joy. As you can imagine I was very humbled by this investigator. By this teacher. 

As I had been having my doubts about being able to speak, I think of how this young man had the ability to communicate although he is unable to speak at all. Where I can still speak at a basic level and communicate most things. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." -Ether 12:27

It wasn’t ever my Spanish that was the problem. Sure, it’s a hurdle and I’m still straddling that hurdle and I should expect to be straddling that hurdle for a while. Over time it will become easier and easier and I will be able to jump over it. But it was never my Spanish that was holding me back. It was my doubts. "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.-D&C 6:36.

Don’t let your doubts consume you. They can hold you back from so much of your potential. Just keep pushing through with faith. Turn to the Lord for help and I promise you that he will provide a strength equal to that which is asked of you.
This week was our neighbor's birthday so we went over and surprised her with a cake. 
With Elder Vela, we have had one baptism and have four people we are teaching.