Don't Worry, Be Happy

Our branch president (Calixto) here on San Blas is a super mellow laid-back kind of guy and he loves this work. Living on an island all his life, it is fun to teach him about computers and electronic devices. In return, he is especially happy to help us out in any way. This week we saw him pass by us while we were teaching a lesson and so we called him over. We started sharing a bit with our investigator and as soon as he sat down, he asks a 9-year-old member to go and grab him, what sounded like the Book of Mormon in Dule Gaya. We were very excited because he always has such great scripture insights. He can relate them back to their culture and since they have heard similar stories all their lives it is incredible. Unfortunately, when the young boy came back, he did not have a Book of Mormon but instead a puppy in his arms. Calixto held this puppy throughout the rest of the lesson. It was just hilarious, but I guess life sometimes just catches you off guard like that. 

At times I have so much that I want and need to do that I feel like a speeding freight train rushing to its endpoint. I've learned that hard work is essential but it is also good to make sure that we are aware that life can take little twist and turns. As we get thrown by breaking up the daily routine with unexpected events, we have to learn to go with whatever comes our way. I remember reading a story in the New Era when I was younger about making the best out of each situation in life and always looking for the blessings all around me. On a mission, I have been blessed every day as I have looked for those small miracles and have found them.

In the Book of Mormon, we read a story about Nephi and his family. They were commanded to build a ship and travel across the seas to inherit this promised land.  To get there they had to build a ship which was not an easy challenge. After seeing the great power of God and all that he can do a ship was built and they took a journey across the ocean. Some on board, after being on their journey, started to murmur and soon forgot who led them there. They started to lose focus on the big picture. Personally, I know how God has guided me daily in the mission. I know that he will guide us as we ask in faith. Don't forget God in your life! If your prayers have become repetitive or lack meaning, take the sufficient time to change that. If your daily scripture study has turned into a nap time or social feed scrolling, make a habit to refocus as you read. If going to church seems hard, remember the blessings offered through the holy sacrament and the blessing you receive by remember the atonement of Christ. One thing I like to also ask myself is in what ways I can improve my dedication to God, and then remember that if we ask and are humble, He can teach us what we need to know to guide us throughout our lives.

I am thankful for the blessing of being able to serve a mission and have loved seeing the amazing blessings all around me daily. 

Enjoying the unexpected.