Icing On The Cake

We learn a lot from the scriptures. Every time I read them, I'm able to find guidance, peace, and happiness in my life. And that’s just one of the reasons that I’m here. I know you see all these pictures of me in the middle of the jungle, the mountains, in the boonies, or with food. However, those are just perks of being in this beautiful country of Panama. (Those are better perks than a free sandwich every work day). Why I’m here is because I personally have seen how the gospel of Christ changes lives. It has changed my life. The more I study and learn of Christ, our Savior, the stronger I feel his love. When I share what I’ve learned I see the change in the life of others. Nothing to me is more satisfying then being able to participate in this great work. Every single question that I have answered is like taking a slice of my favorite coconut cake. When I help others receive answers, I get a slice of that cake, and they are getting a slice of the cake. It just turns out Oprah, everyone involved gets a slice of the best cake. Right, and are you ready for the best part … 0 calories! Man, God has that recipe down. And I think that is why I enjoy the mission so much. 

1)   Because I'm developing a relationship with god through study and service.

2)   And I have seen lives touched by what we do. 

Luckily for all of us this work isn’t just limited to Panama and coconut cake. If we pray and we look for opportunities to share 'our reason to hope' wherever we are the Lord will prepare a way. I talk to a lot of missionaries who have returned back home and each one has told me about their missionary experiences in their community.

The reason I started filling out my mission papers is because one day while waiting on a bus stop some stranger came and talked to me for like less than 15 minutes. He motivated me to look at my priorities in life. He was praying and searching for a missionary experience. If he never prayed, I don't know where I would be right now. Possibly here in Panama, or possibly studying in college. But through his small, but powerful effort I have been able to touch the lives of a countless number of people. 

In Helaman 3:25-26 We read how these missionaries touched tens of thousands of people’s lives. But later on, in 3Nephi 17:25 we read that there were only 2,500 roughly who were in the church. How could that be then? Because these missionaries understood that by touching the lives of a family, generations to come would enjoy the blessings. These people would share their testimonies with their friends and families. they understood this principle.

Your effort matters. Let God guide you, your effort may seem small, but it could change the outcome of many lives and generations to come. Take heed to the spirit.

As of lately, I have been teaching a young woman who is very interested in the church. (i.e. She actually reads what we give her.) She happens to have a child with special needs and we had the chance to read with her Alma 40:23 which talks about when we are resurrected, we will have our body in a perfected form. This was a special message and she is praying and asking God if the messages we have shared with her are true. She mentioned that she has felt inner peace and is excited to learn more. So, I thank you all for your prayers.

Fun fact about Chiriqui, it has the hottest part of Panama and the Coldest. The closer you are to the Volcano Baru the colder it gets. I'm not too far away and so it has actually been a good transition from Boquete that will ease me back into the heat.

Luckily here everyone is so far that I am able to do interviews over the phone. We do travel about two times a week and we have district conference every Thursday. This last Thursday, I pulled off a wonderful lesson, but nobody was paying attention so I cut it short and we went to eat pizza. I pulled out 1 Samuel 15 and related it to exact obedience and selective obedience with the conference talk, “Good, Better, Best.” This week we will off because an Apostle will be coming to Panama.

One more thing, this week right outside of our house we were able to see a parade.  I thought you would enjoy some pictures and videos. 

My companion has taken on my cooking traits.