Give It Your Best

Recently I have started reading in Alma again and recognized something that I have loved and needed that has strengthened me this week.  In Alma 2, it talks about having a huge testimony in the power of prayer. This week I have had a lack of energy which I believe is from just getting over a cold, the transfer (the trip and not sleeping the best) and now walking all day just striving to find new people. This has taken a bit out of me and so it just struck me this week like a light as I read this scripture. I should just be praying for strength. And so, I have prayed for the energy that I have needed. Sometimes I get caught up thinking that I should only be praying for my investigators or the branch or the other missionaries that I feel like I'm asking so much. It has made me think about all the things the prophets, apostles, missionaries had prayed for.  Because of this, I have been jumping around the scriptures trying to cross-reference all the sections about prayer and it has been a huge blessing to me.
Elder Mendez from Honduras and I

We made a lasagna at a member’s house this week which was killer. The first Lasagna and probably the last I'll have in Panama since cheese is so expensive here. 

Today was P-Day and we went to get haircuts. As we walked in the barber said, “Hey Elder!” as he then ran over to the radio to put on Hymnal music from our church. My comp and I looked at each other and then we asked if he was a member.  He replied, “Nah, I just have given haircuts to a lot of missionaries and I thought this would just make you feel like your at home at the temple,” (Side note: All the Panamanians think that we are similar to nuns who sleep in the church buildings.) and so we had a nice conversation.

As we were out teaching this week, I can say that I officially had the weirdest lesson in all my mission. We are teaching a part member family where only the mother and son are members. We started talking with the daughters to find out if there was a night we could meet with them for a future visit. Afterwards, we were able to share a message with the family about the Sabbath Day. As we were talking, one of the daughters mentioned that her mom has tried pushing that on them. She said, that she understands that you just sit down all day and read the scriptures and do nothing else. We explain that while this may be a good thing to do, you are not just limited to just that. We kept teaching and then invited them to church and mentioned that God will bless you as he sees you putting forth the effort to make this commitment.  The daughter then states, “I think its best if you keep your beliefs which I completely respect and I'll keep mine.” And so, we said, “great no problem we aren't going to force you guys to do anything just remember the invitation is always open.” As we began to close peacefully with a prayer, the mom turns complete evangelical in this prayer. She starts asking God to, “forgive his daughters for straight up ignoring him and asking him to touch their cold hearts.” I've never been more uncomfortable in my entire mission. It was like there was a car accident, and as the police came to handle it they also crashed into the two cars and caused an explosion and then as the firefighters are coming to take care of the situation we get carpet-bombed.

Surprisingly, we are still are on good terms and friends with the kids. We went to eat dinner at their house on Sunday and played Uno and Dominos which was fun and yet very intense.

Right now, we are struggling to find new people. We have been looking in the old carpeta de area. Burning the papers that have not been of any help to us. But with high hopes. This week I have been reminded that we can't always choose the challenges we have been given in this life. But what we can choose is how we respond to them. So that is my goal, to give my best effort no matter what weird challenge is in my path.

Now the leaders here have congratulated us on being one of the most successful districts in the zone. The only problem is they now have asked us to baptize four people each this month so that they can reach their goal. We have four recent converts that have been going on nine months without a baptism. Now by no means am I saying it’s not impossible, but we are working diligently to complete it.  Even though it does seem a little unreasonable, my goal is to give my best effort. That’s all God asks for!